June drawingLife with Cats

My cats are always hanging around when I’m working which normally results in one of them stealing something from my project table.  Such is life with cats. This morning, I thought that their knack for stealing things might actually be helpful.

The June 3 deadline for the Songbird Bird House Ornament Giveaway for my newsletter subscribers has passed so it was time to pick a winner.

“How cute would it be to have one of my cats pick the winner,” I thought to myself as I wrote everyone’s name on a folded sheet of paper. They LOVE to steal little bits of paper scrap.

This was going to be the most precious drawing ever. I stirred the tiny paper bits around in a bowl and then dumped the whole lot on the floor. The game had begun. The participants gathered.

Lucy, Henry, and Benjamin formed a circle around the entries. Then CRICKETS. No one seemed all that interested in my little idea. Eventually Henry sniffed the papers. In a promising move, Benjamin reached out and touched them before rolling over to lick himself. The game ended with everyone walking away, no winner selected.

Cat drawing

So I did this the old-fashioned way. I put the papers back in the bowl, closed my eyes, and grabbed one.

And the winner is…

I’ll announce that in my newsletter first. To find out about future contents and promotions, make sure you are signed up here: https://marieyoungcreative.com/newsletter/