• Black Cat Witch and Ghost Kitten

    black cat witch with kitten ghost

    It is not often that I manage to work this far ahead of a season, but this was one of those projects that I had stuck in my head and I just had to get it out. It is made up of two pieces: a black cat witch handing over a tasty mouse “treat” to […]


  • Little Chickie Polymer Clay Covered Egg

    chick in a nest polymer covered egg

    Tomorrow is Easter, and I will be super busy hosting my family, so I thought I’d wish you a “Happy Easter” a little early. I popped outside today, while we had a little sun, to take some pics of the eggs that I made for my family. I chose a “chick” theme for my two […]


  • Fox and the Hen Easter Eggs

    German Fable fox eggs by Marie Young Creative

    My Great-Grandma used to tell my sister and me this old German fable about a couple of sly foxes that broke into a chicken coop on dark, rainy evening. It was a cautionary tale of gluttony, but we wanted her to tell it over and over again. In the tale, the foxes squeezed into a […]


  • Creative way to add an artist signature

    With a little creativity, an artist signature mark can become a clever part of the overall design, instead of an afterthought–something stuck on at the end. For me this process also takes some of the stress out of “signing” my work. When I was a pre-teen, my sister and I took ceramic lessons. It is […]


  • Decorating with eggs

    decorative eggs in pottery bowl

    Everyone is busy creating Easter-themed eggs right now, but while you have the blown-out egg shells handy, why not create a few that you can enjoy all year? I covered these ones with polymer clay in colors that matched my living room. The bowl is one of my only experiments with a pottery wheel–25 years […]


  • Launch of Marie Young Creative

    Hello everyone! This isn’t really a new business launch for me — I’ve had a shop on Etsy for a couple of year’s now and I’ve been publishing an artists blog on blogger as well– but I feel that it is time to establish a branded home base. So welcome to MarieYoungCreative.com. My online shop […]
