Cat sleeping on wrapping paper
Lucy (Lucifer) resting after a day of raising hell.

With 6 cats who exhibit varying degrees of “badness,” we struggle with keeping them from exploring anything new, like say a tree with shiny, dangling objects on it. To keep the cats away from the Christmas tree, my husband put a can of SSSCAT Spray near the base. Here is the product description: “Keep your cat off of furniture, countertops, and plants. SSSCAT Spray senses your cat within 1 meter, then emits a startling, deterring spray. Contains odorless, non-staining gas, harmless to pets and people. Approximately 120 sprays per can.”

SSSCAT training aid
SSSCAT training aid

It worked beautifully for keeping cats away from the Christmas tree. When they got close, it made a sharp “pssst” noise with a burst of the harmless mystery gas and the cats would scatter. The downside was that I set it off three times that evening and my blood-pressure was through the roof. But, fortunately we found that it worked even if it wasn’t turned on. When I saw Benjamin, the biggest nibshit, walking toward the tree, I made a “PSSST” sound and he took off running :). From that moment on he has given the tree a wide berth.