Maintaining Whimsy

Adulting can be a real pain – emotionally and physically. Maintaining whimsy and playfulness during the tough times allows you to meet challenges with grace and resilience. Whimsy in your self care routine can heal both an aching the mind and body. 

  • Writer’s Block

    “Writer’s block is a myth. Writer’s block is choice. Writer’s block is real. And yet it is invented,” Seth Godin wrote on page 161 of his new book,The Practice: Shipping Creative Work.  I get his point. Mental baggage has kept this blog empty since the early days of the pandemic. Like it or not, there is no […]

  • the time before whimsy

    adult with whimsy Momma Fox

    I imagine that dragons love to relax with a glass of wine as much as I do! “Once Upon a Time” dragon sculpture by Marie Young time before whimsy Once upon a time when the child in me grew up, I embraced grown-up responsibilities and locked my sense of playfulness in a tiny box that […]

  • the gift of 50

    white rabbit by marie young

    Hey 1970 babies, this is our year! 2020 brings the gift of our 50th birthdays. For me the big day isn’t until March, but I’ve chosen to welcome this scary number a little early and honor it throughout the entire year. I have a few friends who chose “50 drinks with 50 friends” as a […]

  • mindfulness exercise – healing after dayton

    Collage of orange items - flowers, glass, jewelry

    Has your mind ever been too agitated to rest, yet too exhausted to think? It happens to me far too often. I found that a  modern take on the game of “I spy”  became a mindfulness exercise to heal my brain during a time of immense stress. “I spy” as Mindfulness These photo collages are […]

  • early autumn sunset

    meditation cat statue

    Sunset arrives a little earlier in late summer, reminding me that autumn is nearing. During the months to come, my garden will shed its vibrant hues quieted under a blanket of snow. Dwelling on what the colder months have in store comes far too easy for me, but for once I choose to be mindful […]

  • What do you do for fun?

    Black and white Tuxedo cat relaxing with a "bottle" of cat-burnet

    I’ve signed up for professional coaching sessions with a former colleague of mine, Melanie Doebler. To get the ball rolling she sent me a discovery sheet and asked me to dig deep on the answers. That brings me to “what do I do for fun?”

  • Hibernation by the Full Snow Moon

    Full Snow Moon casting light over snow

    February’s Full Snow Moon peers through my kitchen window. Her aged, knowing voice whispers, “Embrace the stillness. Winter is a time to hibernate my little one.  Conserve your energy for Spring.” Every tired cell in my body yearns to return to bed. Yet with an all-knowing impudence more appropriate to a teenager,  I do not listen. […]

  • creative time cures email addiction

    Technology is great…except when you are wired into your office 24/7.  It’s my fault, really. I’m am enabler. Years of playing “whack-a-mole” the minute an e-mail come in from management “off-hours” just to prove that I’m paying attention, has trained them well. Let me back up for a second. If you are here to see […]

  • Candy improves test results

    Study finds candy improves test results Okay, so the claim that “Candy Improves Test Results” probably isn’t true. I read it in a dream state. Last night, in my dream, I perused a magazine that I read for my day job at the university. As I flipped though the pages, I came across an article citing […]

  • Whimsy Exists

    Creating fantasy worlds provides a coping mechanism when things get stressful in my real world. Well, things are really stressful right now. This election has opened a sense of foreboding in me like I have never experienced. I don’t air my political views in the social media world because I have close friends on both sides of the aisle […]