• healing stones project

    healing rocks

      healing stones Healing Stones Project Idea: Little things, like stones and a couple of Sharpie markers, can make a big difference. Many years ago when I was working working as an assistant creative director at Penn State,  we were suffering through a really depressing winter.  Too much work, not enough sun–sound familiar? We were also […]


  • Creativity Booster

    Creative Spiritual Joyful Mantra

    This tile is a little something that I created a few years back as a creativity booster to remind me of how I want to live each day. I keep it on a shelf in my office, but truth be told, I haven’t really looked at it in quite some time. Why? Because I am […]


  • Free Polymer Clay Tutorial Inclusions Using Eye Pencils

    Fun stuff to put in polymer I put together this free polymer clay tutorial using eye-pencil shavings as inclusions. Consider this a thank you to everyone who voted in the December Polymer Clay Artist’s Guild of Etsy monthly challenge focusing on recycled projects. Free Tutorial: Eye Pencil Shavings Inclusions Step 1: Grab some sharpener shavings […]


  • 2014: Stories in Art

    Sea pod experiment

    Many artists pick out a focal word to begin a new year. Last year my art resolution word was “create.” That meant giving myself permission to experiment without always worrying about the sales side. This year, the word I am infusing into my creative process is “story.” I will continue to explore the freedom of […]


  • Keeping Cats Away from Christmas Trees

    With 6 cats who exhibit varying degrees of “badness,” we struggle with keeping them from exploring anything new, like say a tree with shiny, dangling objects on it. To keep the cats away from the Christmas tree, my husband put a can of SSSCAT Spray near the base. Here is the product description: “Keep your cat […]


  • Once Upon a Time in Wonderland

    My interpretation of The White Rabbit

    How is that a nonsensical tale from 1865 can still resonate with us?  Why, more than 100 years later, are we still fascinated by the rabbit hole? How can something from that time period feel so  “modern”? And why do we need to create our own versions of Wonderland?


  • Christmas Chickie Ornament

    Whimsical Bird Christmas Ornament

    This colorful winter bird is toasty warm in his knit red cap. I sculpted him from polymer clay over a hollow egg shell. The egg is from a well-educated chicken near my home that was raised by a university dean who moonlights as a farmer. If you love him,  you can head over to my […]


  • Holiday stress killing you?

    In the spirit of the season, I offer you three quick tips to keep holiday stress from tearing a hole in your gut. Obviously eating right and exercising would round out this list out to five, but let’s be real. It’s the holidays! 1. Snort your way to happiness. It is no secret that smells […]


  • Saying Goodbye to Dad

    This has been a tough week for my family. My father passed away Sunday at the age of 67. He had been very sick for a few years now, but his death is still one of those life events that you just can’t be ready for. If you’ve read my bio, you’ve kind of met […]


  • Moroccan Peacock Salt and Pepper Shakers

    Moroccan peacock salt and pepper mosaic

    This colorful Moroccan-inspired salt and pepper shaker set features a blend of metallic and translucent polymer clay that I hand buffed and waxed. There is even a little texture surprise in the teal: course ground pepper! It is a technique called inclusion. It gives a very natural organic feel to the finished piece. Peek-a-boo flower […]
