
  • mindfulness exercise – healing after dayton

    Collage of orange items - flowers, glass, jewelry

    Has your mind ever been too agitated to rest, yet too exhausted to think? It happens to me far too often. I found that a  modern take on the game of “I spy”  became a mindfulness exercise to heal my brain during a time of immense stress. “I spy” as Mindfulness These photo collages are […]

  • early autumn sunset

    meditation cat statue

    Sunset arrives a little earlier in late summer, reminding me that autumn is nearing. During the months to come, my garden will shed its vibrant hues quieted under a blanket of snow. Dwelling on what the colder months have in store comes far too easy for me, but for once I choose to be mindful […]

  • creative time cures email addiction

    Technology is great…except when you are wired into your office 24/7.  It’s my fault, really. I’m am enabler. Years of playing “whack-a-mole” the minute an e-mail come in from management “off-hours” just to prove that I’m paying attention, has trained them well. Let me back up for a second. If you are here to see […]

  • healing stones project

    healing rocks

      healing stones Healing Stones Project Idea: Little things, like stones and a couple of Sharpie markers, can make a big difference. Many years ago when I was working working as an assistant creative director at Penn State,  we were suffering through a really depressing winter.  Too much work, not enough sun–sound familiar? We were also […]