Evette the Bat, OOAK sculptureEvette is coquettish, spirited, and glamorous. In other words, she is the exact opposite of introverted me 🙂

It is hilarious to picture me snuggled up in my favorite pink hoodie while I sculpted her big blue eyes. Sure, I can find a little sex appeal for a night out with the hubby, but for the most part we covet quiet evenings at home.

My creations allow me to have adventures that I wouldn’t have the energy to experience in the “real” world. These mischievous creatures live in my head for long periods of time before the vision becomes solid enough to start sculpting. Sometimes I start out thinking that I am creating one thing, and then the clay decides it wants to be something else entirely. Other times, these visions play cruel tricks and refuse to be brought into the physical realm.

For me it is a perfect life. Me sculpting, sometimes sharing my lap with a cat or two, and Rob, working on wiring a lightsaber in the chair next to me. That’s all the nightlife that I need.

Adopt Evette